Key Topics


Plenary / Keynote Talks


Best Paper Awards


About the Institution

Mahatma Gandhi University, one of the major affiliating Universities in Kerala, is the premier educational institution that strives to fulfil the higher educational needs of the people of Central Kerala. At Mahatma Gandhi University, research, consultancy and innovation are regarded as our pillars of success. The International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology was established as a nodal research centre of Mahatma Gandhi University in the year 2009. The Centre focuses on the enhancement of research and higher studies in the cutting-edge areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.Considering the achievements in its academic and research pursuits since its inception, the state Govt. of Kerala has elevated the status of the Centre to International and Inter UniversityCentre forNanoscience and Nanotechnology (IIUCNN) in the year 2013. The Centre ismotivated to thrust its research and development focusing on developing novel materials anddevices prospering the outrage of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The Centre also takes upthe social, ethical, legal and environmental issues related to nanoscience and nanotechnologyto develop policy guidelines for the Government for further implementation. Thus, IIUCNNintends to act as a prime point to provide training and research in various cross/inter-disciplinary areas.

About the Institution

Conference Awards for Short Invited Lectures & Posters

The conference organizers will provide three best presentation awards for the best short invited talks and three best posters. The International Jury will evaluate the short invited talks and posters.
Conference Proceedings in International Peer Reviewed Journal as Special Edition

Panel discussion on international funding for nanotechnology and nanoscience:

Nanotechnology and Nanoscience touch all nations, all countries and impact a wide range of issues that are important for society, now and arguably far in the future. It is therefore necessary to investigate funding possibilities at the national and international levels. This panel discussion will be focused on questions that hopefully will be followed up in coming months after the conference to generate an international funding structure that will involve many nations and countries, beyond bilateral funding.

Panel discussion on international funding for nanotechnology and nanoscience: